-   I C  L I G H T    - 
S T A G E   A E   M U R A L
Stage AE is a multi-purpose entertainment complex located in heart Pittsburgh between the cities largest sports venues. It is known as one of the first venues in the United States for having both indoor and outdoor ampetheater stage setups. With outdoor bars being located around the venue, IC Light wanted to make a presence by having a full scale bar mural to grab attention while having a musical aesthetic. 
I C  L I G H T 
T H E  W A L L 
The wall was in need of some serious TLC. It had a large Muti-tapped pouring station right in the middle of the wall, as well as a two door fridge which lent the challenge of how they could be included in the artworks design.
I C  L I G H T 
T H E   S K E T C H
I loved the idea of including a slight rock and roll carnival style with a giant screaming skull that had a hypnotistic theme. This way I could use the taps as a feature by having the skulls jaws open around it, creating a central point of focus.
-   I C  L I G H T    - 
T H E   F I N A L   D E S I G N
The artwork took on a classic flash art tattoo style with pointillism shading, muted colours and a slightly off white background. In total there were three walls that required artwork that had to work together.
