T H A N K Y O U.

- L U C B O P R E Y -
Son of Richard and Louise, brother to Remy, and father to an insubordinate blue parakeet. I'm Luc, a bearded Englishman with a penchant for odd socks and the dressing sense of a formal pirate. Past the institutions of art and design lies my true muse: to simply create. In whatever form it may be, it rules my existence. The joy and misery it has brought me is a romantic duality that I wouldn't have any other way. Well...maybe I would. I take pride in striving for perfection in my creative efforts to the best of my ability, while knowing full well that it's an unattainable goal. If I could wish for any legacy it would be that my work reflects my passion for life and that my love and dedication humbly speaks for itself.

- H o n o U r s & A w a r d s -
2022 "Best Looking Beer Cans in the World" winner // BeerCanDesignAwards.com
2018 AAF // American Advertising Awards // Orlando Art Director of the year
X 3 Gold // AAF District // American Advertising Awards
X 9 Gold // AAF Local // American Advertising Awards
X 1 Silver // AAF District // American Advertising Awards
X 10 Silver // AAF Local // American Advertising Awards
2020 Platinum Award // Creative Achievement
DotComm Awards // Platinum Winner // Creative Achievement Award
2017 Grand Golden Image Award // Digital Tools of Public Relations
2017 Bronze Telly Award Winner // General Health & Wellness
2017 Bronze Telly Award Winner // General Motivation
2016 PR Dailys Videos Awards // Internal Communications Award over $5000
- F U L L S A I L U N N I V E R S I T Y -
2015 // Full Sail University // Graduate Showcase
2015 // Full Sail University // Salutatorian
2014 // HUB Digital Arts and Design Gallery // Recognition of Artistic Excellence // Barbasol
2014 // HUB Digital Arts and Design Gallery // Recognition of Artistic Excellence // Poster design
2014 // Full Sail University // Course Director Award // Editing Digital Video
2014 // Full Sail University // Course Director Award // History of Visual Communication
2014 // Full Sail University // Course Director Award // Digital Story Telling
2014 // Full Sail University // Course Director Award // Design and Art Theory
2014 // Full Sail University // Course Director Award // Portfolio Creation
- D e s b o r o u g h C o l l e g e -
Desborough College London, England // The Louise Alexander Memorial Prize