-    S P A C E   C O A S T   T O U R I S M   - 
L A U N C H   C O N S O L E  

Space Coast Tourism realized there was no clear and easy way for people to access information about launches taking off from Kennedy Space Center. They knew that people wanted to know when the rockets would launch, if there was a scrub or schedule change, and what kind of rocket it was. There was a huge opportunity for one easily-accessible platform built with the public in mind. This led to the birth of the Launch Console app.
A P P  D E S I G N     //      L O G O  D E S I G N     //     W E B   D E S I G N      //      ​​​​​​​m o t i o n  g r a p h i c s 
-    S P A C E   C O A S T   T O U R I S M   - 
L A U N C H   C O N S O L E  

The design approach was interesting and full of challenges. How do you appeal to every age demographic, including children, while also creating a platform that dynamically and stylishly houses all the necessary information? The direction was taken to create a futuristic HUD interface that appears as if it could be on the arm of an astronaut. A master navigation comprising four main informational elements was designed to be simple, while also holding plenty of live and updatable information.​​​​​​​ ​​​​​
S P A C E   C O A S T   T O U R I S M   - 
L A U N C H   C O N S O L E  

Of the four main components, the two gems were the home countdown interface and the compass function that harnessed your phone’s natural gimbal to trigger a vibration when you were facing the proper direction to watch a launch.​​​​​​​
-    S P A C E   C O A S T   T O U R I S M   - 
O R L A N D O  I N T  A I R P O R T  A D S  

Ad space in the MCO baggage claim is prime real-estate as every day it’s filled with thousands of tourists taking vacation and looking for ideas. For most, the idea of seeing a rocket launch is an incredibly rare opportunity. Knowing this, Space Coast Tourism placed the ad at the bottom of the escalators, making it the first thing you see when on your way to collecting your bags.
L A U N C H   C O N S O L E  -
S O C I A L   A D S
The app’s social presence was fun to explore and create for. With every single launch being a different and exciting rocket, there were many brandable options. A favorite of mine was the launch of the Dragon capsule, which delivered SpaceX astronauts into space for the first time since the NASA shuttle launches. Bringing the launches closer to you was always the artistic direction with these deliverables. Exploring that literally made for a stunning visual.
-    S P A C E   C O A S T   T O U R I S M   - 
L A U N C H   C O N S O L E   W E B S I T E
-    S P A C E   C O A S T   T O U R I S M   - 
s c h e d u l e   d e s i g n
-    S P A C E   C O A S T   T O U R I S M   - 
L A U N C H   C O N S O L E   P R I N T  A D
